

We continuously work on proving accurate and precise information through our website. We are not liable or held responsible or we are not taking any responsibility if in case of any loss to the third party business by the use of our website. In case of any damage to the marketing or any community or accidental brand conflicting directly or indirectly will not held us under any liability. We too not held any responsibility in case of any omission or error in the content. All the content on this website is owned by freetrademark.co.in where the same is not subjected to any of the third party marketing or advertising purposes.

In case of any business hurdle or legal obstacle held by the use of our website even in that case we are not responsible. There may be typographical errors or any technical inaccuracies for which we too are not liable. Freetrademark; consitutes full rights and powers to change in its website;'s content or make any reliable changes in the list of services and products; in case if any negative revert or for any consequences due to change in its services will also not responsible for the same.

There are many references and cross-references have been defined in the website that comes across to the World Wide Web; such services products may not be available in your country; in that case we are not liable for any cause in respect of bringing the business to your home country. In case of any viruses, trojans or any web worms; that may hurt your website program or any application or any lost profits or pc or business interruption will not bring our website under any of the liability. Thus, in case of any further query or detail information you can contact us at info@freetrademark.co.in.